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Don't Get Stranded: Five Signs Your Car Key Battery Might Be Dying

There's nothing worse than getting ready to head out on a road trip or running errands and getting stranded because of a dead car key battery. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence, and it's always wise to replace a dying key fob battery before it leaves you stuck. This post will help you recognise five signs that your car key battery is dying so you can replace it before it's too late.

The Key Fob Range Is Shortening

Do you have to get really close to your car in order to unlock it with your key fob? This is one of the most visible signs that your car key battery is dying. If the range of your remote is getting shorter, it's a good indicator that the battery is losing power.

Your Key Fob Buttons Require More Pressure

If you've been pressing your key fob buttons harder than usual to start or lock your car, it's another sign that your battery is running out of juice. If the battery is weak, you'll need to apply more pressure to activate the buttons on your key fob. If you find yourself experiencing this issue, it's time to replace the battery.

The Key Fob Light Is Dimmer

Does your key fob light seem to be dimming? The LED on your key fob is the primary indicator of battery life. If the LED light appears dimmer than usual or fades after pressing the buttons, it's a clear indication that your battery is almost dead and it is time to replace the battery.

Your Car Alarm Goes Off Unexpectedly

If your car alarm randomly goes off, it's possible that your weak battery is misfiring and is sending various codes to the car's alarm. A dying key fob battery could cause your alarm to malfunction and trigger the alarm. If this happens frequently, it's time to replace the battery.

Your Car Doesn't Respond to Your Key Fob

Sometimes, your key fob may not work at all. This could mean that you're experiencing a flat battery. A battery that is completely dead leads to no activity on the remote; this means that the key fob won't engage with the car anymore. Luckily, this problem comes with the ultimate solution to replace the battery.

If you're experiencing any of these signs, it's time to replace your dying car key battery. It's an uncomplicated fix that any car owner can handle, but you need to pay attention to the signs your car is giving. So, if you're experiencing any of these issues with your key fob, replace your battery to avoid getting stuck in the worst situations. Always have an extra battery ready in case of an emergency! Keep these in mind, and you'll avoid getting stranded with battery issues.

For more info, contact a local company like Key Battery Service.
